Total Solution Approach: Pre-Sale


Since 1970, Energy Sciences has continuously helped many of the world’s leading and most recognized technology companies to invest wisely in EB solutions. ESI is not just a provider of electron beam equipment; we deliver a total solution to clients. ESI's worldwide facilities deliver products to market quickly, with as little risk as possible.  

At ESI, we have prospects try before they buy an electron beam system, allowing them to understand the EB process and experience it firsthand. This reduces any risks the customer may have in the process and also allows them to market faster.


Proof of Concept
The Proof of Concept step allows the customer and ESI to see if EB technology is right for a customer’s business or production.  Typically, the meeting takes place at Energy Sciences, right outside of Boston.  For people who are completely new users, it is very beneficial for them to come in and become more familiar with the electron beam process. Some other things to consider when looking to work with ESI:

  • Qualify the Supply Chain

  • Optimize Power

  • Get into Market

  • 8 Co-Pilot facilities/demo centers

Process Scale-Up
Once the trials have begun at one of our eight pilot facilities around the world, the new user and one of ESI’s professionals can begin to experiment with speeds and widths to determine what works. This also gives the prospect a chance to ask all the questions that they need to before making the purchase.

High-Speed Demo
The last step before the sale of an electron beam is the High-Speed Demo. This allows prospects and ESI professionals to test the different speeds to find the proper simulated production speed. This allows it to go to market faster once the speed for proper production has been reached.

There are many parts to our total solution approach that must take place before an electron beam is sold. We make sure that Proof of Concept, Process Scale-Up, and High Speed Demo are all completed before selling an EB system. This is beneficial to both parties in order to verify that electron beam technology is right for each and every prospect.

Brent Leland