24/7/365 SUPPORT
Dedicated phone lines answered by dedicated field service managers
Over 97% of service calls resolved by phone in less than 1 hour
Field Service engineers dispatched from several locations worldwide
Communication software enabling remote diagnostics and data collection
Over 115 years of combined EB and application field service experience
The world’s largest spare parts inventory
Four-day basic maintenance and technology equipment training program
One-day operator training course during start-up of machine
Detailed system manuals including preventive maintenance checklists
Dosimetry short course to explain benefits and procedures for accurate analysis
On-request customized training programs for stakeholders such as Marketing, Sales, and Customer Safety training
Top to bottom in-field evaluations
Total systems upgrades available when feasible
Individual subsystem upgrades including power and control systems, and high voltage power supply
Gun, terminal, and window replacement or refurbish
Largest inventory of critical subsystems components to support extended life of assets